Here, all relevant publications for the STAD project are available. Click on a title to read the publication.
Doctoral Theses
Pudāne (2021). Time Use and Travel Behaviour with Automated Vehicles.
Núñez Velasco (2021). Should I Stop or Should I Cross?: Interactions between vulnerable road users and automated vehicles.
Ostermeijer (2021). Economic Analyses of Cars in the City: Implications for Policy and Automated Vehicles.
Madadi (2021). Design and Optimization of Road Networks for Automated Vehicles.
Scientific Journal Papers
Madadi, Van Nes, Snelder, Van Arem. Multi-stage optimal design of road networks for automated vehicles with elastic multi-class demand. Computers & Operations Research.
Madadi, Van Nes, Snelder, Van Arem. Optimizing Road Networks for Automated Vehicles with Dedicated Links, Dedicated Lanes, and Mixed-Traffic Subnetworks. Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Pudāne, Van Cranenburgh, Chorus. A day in the life with an automated vehicle: Empirical analysis of data from an interactive stated activity-travel survey. Journal of Choice Modelling.
Núñez Velasco, De Vries, Farah, Van Arem, Hagenzieker. Cyclists’ crossing intentions when interacting with automated vehicles. Information.
Pudāne. Departure Time Choice and Bottleneck Congestion with Automated Vehicles: Role of On-board Activities. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research.
Van den Hurk, Van Arem, Molin. Het effect van automatische voertuigen op de parkeerlocatie keuze: een stated preference onderzoek. Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap.
Van der Gun, Pel, Van Arem. Travel times in quasi-dynamic traffic assignment. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science.
Núñez Velasco, Farah, Van Arem, Hagenzieker. Studying pedestrians’ crossing behavior when interacting with automated vehicles using virtual reality. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.
Madadi, Van Nes, Snelder, Van Arem. A bi-level model to optimize road networks for a mixture of manual and automated driving: An evolutionary local search algorithm. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.
Ostermeijer, Koster, Van Ommeren. Residential parking costs and car ownership: Implications for parking policy and automated vehicles. Regional Science and Urban Economics.
Pudāne, Rataj, Molin, Mouter, Van Cranenburgh, Chorus. How will automated vehicles shape user’s daily activities? Insights from focus groups with commuters in the Netherlands. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
De Clercq, Dietrich, Núñez Velasco, De Winter, Happee. External Human-Machine Interfaces on Automated Vehicles: Effects on Pedestrian Crossing Decisions. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Madadi, Van Nes, Snelder, Van Arem. Assessing the travel impacts of subnetworks for automated driving: An exploratory study. Case Studies on Transport Policy.
Homem de Almeida Correia, De Looff, Van Cranenburgh, Snelder, Van Arem. On the impact of vehicle automation on the value of travel time while performing work and leisure activities in a car: Theoretical insights and results from a stated preference survey. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.
Pudāne, Molin, Arentze, Maknoon, Chorus. A Time-use Model for the Automated Vehicle-era. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.
Bhoopalam, Agatz, Zuidwijk. Planning of truck platoons: A literature review and directions for future research. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.
Boersma, Van Arem, Rieck. Application of Driverless Electric automated shuttles for public transport in villages: The case of Appelscha. World Electric Vehicle Journal.
Marchau, Walker, Meurs. Adaptieve planning voor duurzame steden: de invoering van zelfrijdende taxi’s in Amsterdam. Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap.
Milakis, Snelder, Van Arem, Van Wee, Homem de Almeida Correia. Development and Transport Implications of Automated Vehicles in the Netherlands: Scenarios for 2030 and 2050. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research.
Conference Papers
Lu, Madadi, Farah, Snelder, Annema, Van Arem. Scenario-Based Infrastructure Requirements for Automated Driving. 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals.
Hagenzieker, Heikoop, Núñez Velasco, Boersma, Bjørnskau. How do cyclists interact with automated buses? An overview of research findings. International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC).
Van der Gun, Pel, Van Arem. Travel times in quasi-dynamic traffic assignment. 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART).
Boersma, Scheltes, Van Oort. AV meets PT: the future of automated vehicles in public transport. European Transport Conference (ETC).
Boersma, Van Arem, Rieck. Assessment of automated mini-bus operation in the Oku-Eigenji area in Japan. 13th ITS European Congress.
Snelder, Wilmink, Van der Gun, Bergveld, Hoseini, Van Arem. Mobility Impacts of Automated Driving and Shared Mobility – Explorative Model and Case Study of the Province of North-Holland. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting.
Boersma, Scheltes, Van Oort. Automatische voertuigen; kans of een bedreiging voor het OV in Nederland? Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk.
Boersma, Mica, Van Arem, Rieck. Driverless electric vehicles at Businesspark Rivium near Rotterdam (the Netherlands): from operation on dedicated track since 2005 to public roads in 2020. 31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS31).
Madadi, Van Nes, Snelder, Van Arem. Optimizing Urban Road Networks for Automated Driving. 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART).
Núñez Velasco, Farah, Van Arem, Hagenzieker. WEpod WElly in Delft: pedestrians´ crossing behavior when interacting with automated vehicles using Virtual Reality. 15th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR).
Madadi, Van Nes, Snelder, Van Arem. Network Design and Impacts of Automated Driving: An Explorative Study. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting.
Núñez Velasco, Farah, Van Arem, Hagenzieker. Interactions between vulnerable road users and automated vehicles: A synthesis of literature and framework for future research. Road Safety and Simulation International Conference (RSS2017).
Puylaert, Snelder, Van Nes, Van Arem. Mobility Impacts of Early Forms of Automated Driving – A System Dynamic Approach. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting.
Technical Reports
Boersma, Van Arem, Rieck. CER: een ‘slimme’ oplossing voor inter-terminal container transport op de Maasvlakte in de haven van Rotterdam.
Hagenzieker, Boersma, Núñez Velasco, Ozturker, Zubin, Heikoop. Automated Buses in Europe. An Inventory of Pilots.
Gerdes, Zwijnenberg. Infrastructuur gereedmaken voor automatisch rijden: Beleidsrapportage Kortetermijnmaatregelen met lange termijn impact.
Zwijnenberg. Infrastructuur gereedmaken voor automatisch rijden: Technische analyse van voorzieningen in digitale en fysieke infrastructuur.
Madadi, Van Nes, Snelder, Van Arem. Image-based assessment of road network readiness for automated driving: a judgement game.
Boersma, Van Arem, Rieck. Casestudy WEpod: een onderzoek naar de inzet van automatisch vervoer in Ede/Wageningen.
Boersma, Rieck, Van Arem. Proeven met automatisch voertuigen: wat leren we?
Bhoopalam, Agatz, Zuidwijk. Planning of Truck Platoons: a Literature Review and Directions for Future Research.
Boersma, Kort, Van Arem, Rieck. Rotterdam The Hague Airport: een analyse van de toepassing van automatisch vervoer bij Rotterdam The Hague Airport als onderdeel van de aanbesteding ‘Marktplaats voor Infrastructuur’.
Boersma, Van Arem, Rieck. Casestudy Appelscha: Een onderzoek naar de implementatie van automatisch vervoer in het buitengebied.
Tillema, Gelauff, Van der Waard, Berveling, Moorman. Paden naar een zelfrijdende toekomst. Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid (KiM).
Other Articles
Singleton, De Vos, Heinen, Pudāne. Potential health and well-being implications of autonomous vehicles. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning.
Heikoop, Nuñez Velasco, Boersma, Bjørnskau, Hagenzieker. Automated bus systems in Europe: A systematic review of passenger experience and road user interaction. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning.
Van Arem, Boersma, Rieck, Mica, Veenis, Zandstra, Scheltes. Mini-special STAD: STAD brengt het zelfrijdende voertuig in beeld. Verkeerskunde.
Bhoopalam, Van den Berg. Mini-special STAD: Voorloper: Truck Platooning. Verkeerskunde.
Madadi. Mini-special STAD: Een ZRA-vriendelijk wegennetwerk. Verkeerskunde.
Pudāne. Mini-special STAD: De waarde van reistijd in een zelfrijdende auto. Verkeerskunde.
Van der Gun. Mini-special STAD: Strategische verkeersmodellering. Verkeerskunde.
Nuñez Velasco. Mini-special STAD: Interactie ZLA’s en fietsers en voetgangers. Verkeerskunde.
Ostermeijer. Mini-special STAD: De ruimtelijke-economische effecten van ZRA’s. Verkeerskunde.
Bhoopalam, Agatz, Zuidwijk. Zullen we samen rijden? Het plannen van truck platoons. NM Magazine.
Master Theses
Stevens. Autonomous Mobility on-Demand in urban areas: A Rotterdam-Zuid Case Study. Goudappel Coffeng.
Rataj. Behavioural response to automated vehicles.
Lu. Infrastructure Requirements for Automated Driving.
Camphuijsen. Smart mobility: a strategic solution in urban development.
De Looff. Value of travel time changes as a result of vehicle automation. TNO.
Dekker. Riding a self-driving bus to work. Metropoolregio Rotterdam-Den Haag (MRDH).
Ramakrishnan Ganesan. Spatial impacts of vehicle automation and sharing on urban regions in the Netherlands: A fuzzy cognitive map modeling approach. Connekt.
Van den Hurk. An empirical study into the effects of private automated driving vehicles on drivers’ parking location choice. Goudappel Coffeng.