SP7 – Use cases and demonstrators

The first objective is to use existing business cases and derive valuable lessons from practice. Existing business cases where automated driving is part of an operation with a profit/loss responsibility contain relevant information and lessons to be learnt for decision makers regarding new applications. Data collected and analysed from these existing business cases will be translated into useful design and business rules and necessary safety and legislative preconditions and actions.

The second objective is to apply the lessons learnt from these existing business cases to non-academic partners, which have shown an interest in implementation of automated driving within their local area as a pilot- or demonstrator-project.

The third objective is to develop business cases for specific use cases of automated driving within the urban area. This will built on information from the WP1-6 where the results developed will be translated into useful input for business case exercises.

Reanne Boersma is working on this subproject supported by Frank Rieck and Bart van Arem.

Reanne Boersma