Rob Zuidwijk is professor of Ports in Global Networks at the department of Technology & Operations Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He focuses on three topics: co-ordination for sustainable global supply chains, freight transport networks, and inter-organisational systems in logistics. He presently supervises a number of PhD students on port related research. His work has been published in journals like California Management Review, Transportation Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Communications of the ACM, and Production and Operations Management.
Professor Rob Zuidwijk makes a significant contribution to Smartport, a strong research community in port-related research for which RSM and EUR are one of the main stakeholders. He is also Academic Director of RSM’s Executive Master in Customs and Supply Chain Compliance programme, a new part-time master degree programme to increase knowledge about European customs law, international supply and logistics chains and information management which starts at RSM in March. Further, he is Academic Director of the Master in Maritime Economics and Logistics.
He has participated and coordinated (ongoing) funded research projects in the area of international logistics and container transport, including FP7 projects INTEGRITY and CASSANDRA, and Dinalog projects ULTIMATE and Cargo Driven Intermodal Transport, and he has been involved in research projects with individual companies, for example the Port of Rotterdam, IBM, and IHC.
The department Technology & Operations Management at Rotterdam School of Management excels in research on transportation and port logistics. Assistant professor Niels Agatz from the department will also contribute to the project.