Sustainable mobility is an important theme for the city of Amsterdam. We want to remain an accessible and safe city with a high quality of life for both citizens and visitors. Knowledge development and innovation application is an essential element to enhance these goals. The Traffic and Public Space department of the city considers it important to closely cooperate with scientific institutions and other stakeholders to learn and benefit from new insights in mobility and to test these in practice.
Participation in SURF STAD is an outstanding possibility to increase our understanding and knowledge of possible implications that self-driving vehicles might have for the city. It is clear that the introduction of self-driving vehicles in densely populated urban areas asks for adequate policy-making in the fields of spatial planning (parking places), traffic safety (e.g. interaction with cycling and walking) and use of public transport. Results of the SURF STAD project should provide us with new knowledge, support policy making that facilitates automated driving and prepare the city for future developments and developments. We will participate in different workpackages to support the project with knowledge needs from policy practice, cooperate in a pilot to test the implications of automated driving on traffic safety in the city and provide support by means of data whenever relevant and applicable.
Contact persons on behalf of the city of Amsterdam, Traffic and Public Space Department: Barry Ubbels and Stefan Verduin.