RET is the public transport (PT) company that provides public transport services in the city of Rotterdam and its periphery. It operates five metro lines, 10 tram lines, 58 bus routes and a fastferry service. It’s predecessor was founded in 1878. RET is the main operator in the area, maintains the rail infrastructure and is also responsible for social security in the public transport system. On a daily basis, almost 600,000 people use RET’s public transport services.
RET has experience in cooperation with European partners by participation (a.o.) in the European project Ticket to Kyoto (T2K). This is a European project, which aimed at reducing CO2 emissions in the public transport sector through more environmentally friendly behaviour and improvements to transport-related infrastructure. The project ran over four years (2010 to 2014) with a budget of around €12 million. It has been co-financed by the INTERREG IVB North West-Europe Programme.
At the moment, RET is as subcontractor for MRDH involved in another European project called CIPTEC (Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities). The aim is at contributing in the long-term growth of Public Transport modal share in Europe. CIPTEC will evaluate existing innovative practices in the PT sector and promote the creation of new ones through the exploitation of “collective intelligence”.